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When I start­ed rid­ing seri­ous­ly in 2005, I was already in my 50s. I read sto­ries of old rid­ers and old hors­es still going strong. I knew I was get­ting a late start, but I fig­ured I still had time.

I end­ed up with a horse who, as hors­es do, ages faster than I do. We’re both well over the hill, but nei­ther of us is of an age that would be at all notable on the back page sto­ry of Horse Illus­trat­ed. So far, there has still been time, and I hope for more.

And the hills beckon.

Get­ting a late start learn­ing every­thing about horses

I’m Cur­tis Clark. I’m a retired col­lege biol­o­gy pro­fes­sor. My old horse is Bud­dy, a bay overo of uncer­tain ancestry.

I’ve had a lot of teachers—people that I’ve paid to be in the are­na with me, oth­er peo­ple who work with hors­es, authors of books, and, with a tip of the hel­met to Alois Pod­ha­jsky, hors­es. Some have taught me well, some have led me astray, and some have been gold­en. I have opin­ions, many strong, but all sub­ject to change as I learn more.

I have found the dif­fer­ent per­spec­tives of dif­fer­ent authors (and dif­fer­ent hors­es) to be very valu­able in my edu­ca­tion. My hope with these arti­cles is to offer a dif­fer­ent per­spec­tive to the reader.


Cur­rent­ly, I mod­er­ate all com­ments. My intent is to approve all con­struc­tive com­ments, even if they disagree.

Unless not­ed oth­er­wise, all con­tent is copy­right by me, but you are licensed to reuse it, as long as you attribute it (Cur­tis Clark,, do not use it for com­mer­cial pur­pos­es (don’t make any mon­ey from it), and don’t change it. You can read the details over at Cre­ative Com­mons.