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Every­one needs a “Links” page, right? Here are some you might find useful.


These are peo­ple I cur­rent­ly fol­low, in alpha­bet­ic order:

  • Maren Diehl stud­ies bio­me­chan­ics and biotenseg­ri­ty and writes the blog Die Pferde sind nicht das Prob­lem (“The hors­es are not the prob­lem”) with an accom­pa­ny­ing Face­book page. She has also writ­ten two books, and the books and most of the blog are in Ger­man. I read Ger­man, very slow­ly, so I’ve only scratched the sur­face, but I’ve already learned some things that I’ve applied in train­ing and con­di­tion­ing Buddy.
  • Eri­ca Franz writes the blog Writ­ing of Rid­ing, which is accom­pa­nied by a Face­book page. She writes about the stu­pid and cru­el things that peo­ple do to hors­es in the name of “train­ing”, and of the val­ue of clas­si­cal training.
  • Troy Grif­fith runs Hands on Horse Train­ing, and has a blog and a Face­book page. He has exten­sive­ly stud­ied all the old Mas­ters of clas­si­cal train­ing (at least those in Eng­lish or with Eng­lish trans­la­tions). He spe­cial­izes in train­ing war hors­es for reen­act­ments. In August, 2017, I did a three-​day inten­sive at his facil­i­ty in Aumsville, OR, and it great­ly improved my rid­ing.
  • David Ramey is a vet­eri­nar­i­an from south­ern Cal­i­for­nia. His blog cov­ers a range of top­ics, and focus­es on sci­en­tif­ic and evidence-​based vet­eri­nary med­i­cine. He also has a Face­book page.
  • Mark Rashid is a train­er from Col­orado who had writ­ten some insight­ful things about hors­es that I’m always quot­ing, as well as per­haps the best expla­na­tion of why the Tom Thumb bit is worse than use­less. He also has a blog, Con­sid­er­ing the Horse. One of these days I’ll read his books.
  • Robin Shen had a train­ing busi­ness, web­site, and Face­book page called “Enlight­ened Horse­man­ship”. A few years ago he had some life changes and shut down the Face­book page and the web­site (although you can still see it at The blog is still avail­able. His view of the rela­tion­ship between horse and rid­er great­ly affect­ed mine, and I’m sor­ry I did­n’t save more of his quotes.



I’m not paid for endorse­ments (if that ever changes, I’ll let you know).

  • Rid­ing Ware­house—I always shop here first. Their prices are good, they often have sales, I get dis­counts for being a mem­ber of NATRC and US Rid­er road­side assis­tance, they have free ship­ping on orders over $50, and free returns for one year. The only prob­lem I have with them is that they don’t always have the stuff I’m look­ing for, and I hate to pay ship­ping from oth­er vendors.