Everyone needs a “Links” page, right? Here are some you might find useful.
These are people I currently follow, in alphabetic order:
- Maren Diehl studies biomechanics and biotensegrity and writes the blog Die Pferde sind nicht das Problem (“The horses are not the problem”) with an accompanying Facebook page. She has also written two books, and the books and most of the blog are in German. I read German, very slowly, so I’ve only scratched the surface, but I’ve already learned some things that I’ve applied in training and conditioning Buddy.
- Erica Franz writes the blog Writing of Riding, which is accompanied by a Facebook page. She writes about the stupid and cruel things that people do to horses in the name of “training”, and of the value of classical training.
- Troy Griffith runs Hands on Horse Training, and has a blog and a Facebook page. He has extensively studied all the old Masters of classical training (at least those in English or with English translations). He specializes in training war horses for reenactments. In August, 2017, I did a three-day intensive at his facility in Aumsville, OR, and it greatly improved my riding.
- David Ramey is a veterinarian from southern California. His blog covers a range of topics, and focuses on scientific and evidence-based veterinary medicine. He also has a Facebook page.
- Mark Rashid is a trainer from Colorado who had written some insightful things about horses that I’m always quoting, as well as perhaps the best explanation of why the Tom Thumb bit is worse than useless. He also has a blog, Considering the Horse. One of these days I’ll read his books.
- Robin Shen had a training business, website, and Facebook page called “Enlightened Horsemanship”. A few years ago he had some life changes and shut down the Facebook page and the website (although you can still see it at archive.org). The blog is still available. His view of the relationship between horse and rider greatly affected mine, and I’m sorry I didn’t save more of his quotes.
I’m not paid for endorsements (if that ever changes, I’ll let you know).
- Riding Warehouse—I always shop here first. Their prices are good, they often have sales, I get discounts for being a member of NATRC and US Rider roadside assistance, they have free shipping on orders over $50, and free returns for one year. The only problem I have with them is that they don’t always have the stuff I’m looking for, and I hate to pay shipping from other vendors.